Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Soft system Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Soft system Methodology - Essay Example Compare to hard problems soft problem are difficult to define. Feasibility study is an important phase in the software development process. It enables the developer to have an assessment of the product being developed. It refers to the feasibility study of the product in terms of outcomes of the product, operational use and technical support required for implementing it. Economic Feasibility: It refers to the benefits or outcomes. We are deriving from the product as compared to the total cost we are spending for developing the product. If the benefits are more or less the same as the older system, then it is not feasible to develop the product. In the present system, the development of the new product greatly enhance the accuracy of the system and cuts short the delay in the processing of Birth and Death application. The errors can be greatly reduced and at the same time providing great level of security. Hence, we do not need any additional equipment except memory of required capacity. Operational Feasibility: It refers to the feasibility of the product to be operational. Some products may work very well at design and implementation but may fall in the real time environment. It includes the study of additional human resources required and their technical expertise. Technical Feasibility: It refers to whether the software that is... Technical Feasibility: It refers to whether the software that is available in the market fully supports the present application. It studies the pros and cons of using particular software for the development and it's feasibility. It also studies the additional training need to be given to the people to make the application work. Implementation Plan The main plan for the system developed is to upgrading and existing system to proposed system. There are mainly 4 methods of upgrading the existing system to the proposed Parallel Run System Direct Cut-Over Method Pilot System Phase-in Method Parallel Run System: It is most secure method of converting from an existing to anew system. In this approach, both the systems are run in parallel for a specific period of time. During the period of if any serious problems were identified while using the new system, the new system is dropped and the older system is taken at the start point again. Direct Cut-Over Method: In this approach, the existing system is converted to the new system abruptly, some times over a weekend or even overnight. The old system is used until a planed conversion day. There exist no parallel activities. Pilot Method: In this approach, a working version of the system is implemented in one art of the organization such as a single work area or department. When the system is deemed complete it is installed through out the organization either all at once (direct cut-over) or gradually (phase-in). Phase-in Method: In this method, a part of the system is first implemented and over time, other remaining parts are implemented. SYSTEM ANALYSIS Analysis is the detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside of the system. A key question is:

Monday, October 28, 2019

Carrefour Hypermarket Essay Example for Free

Carrefour Hypermarket Essay A hypermarket or multi department store is a superstore which combines a supermarket and a department store. The result is a very large retail facilitywhich carries an enormous range of products under one roof, including full linesof groceries and general merchandise. When they are planned, constructed, andexecuted correctly, a consumer can ideally satisfy all of his or her routine weeklyshopping needs in one trip. The example of hypermarket have been set up inMalaysia is Carrefour, Tesco, Jusco, and Giant (foreign hypermarkets) besidesother local hypermarket such as Mydin. Following are background of theCarrefour hypermarket and Mydin hypermarket.The first Carrefour store opened on 3 June 1957, in suburban Annecy near a crossroads (carrefour in French). Today it is the smallest Carrefour location inthe world. The group was created by Marcel Fournier and Denis Defforey andgrew into a chain from this first sales outlet. In 1999 it merged with Promodà ¨s,known as Continent, one of its major competitors on the French market.Marce Fournier and Denis Defforey had attended several seminars in theUnited States led by The Pope of modern distribution Bernardo Trujillo, whoinfluenced other famous French executives like Édouard Leclerc (E.Leclerc),Gà ©rard Mulliez (Auchan), Paul Dubrule (Accor), and Gà ©rard Pà ©lisson (Accor).Their slogan was No parking, no business.The Carrefour group pioneered the concept of a hypermarket a large supermarket and a department store under the same roof. They opened their first hypermarket 15 June 1963 in Sainte Genevià ¨ve des Bois, near Paris inFrance.1976 Carrefour introduces  ³produits libres ´ which are unbranded product but ³just as good, and cheaper ´. In 1992, Carrefour creates filiere quality systems,which quarantee product origin and traceability. Carrefour opened their firsthypermarket 1994 in Malaysia. In the 21st century, hundreds of millions of men and women will become part of the consumer society within a globalized economy. Globalization does, however,pose new types of risk for both human society and our planet. Faced with suchrisk,  and in order to improve prospects for future generations, it is crucial tofollow the path of sustainability, which combines economic profitability, respect for the environment and both social and ethical development. mission Carrefour are totally focused on meeting the expectations of their customers. Carrefour mission is to be the benchmark in modern retailing in each of their markets, by offering : * Their customers: the best prices and the best merchandise, in every banner and every country. * Their staff: the possibility of growth and fulfillment in a trusting environment, withinteresting jobs and motivational compensation. * Their shareholders: a sustained return on their investment and the growthprospects of a global, multi format retailer. * Their partners, franchisees or affiliates: leading banners and brands, marketingand sales expertise, purchasing power and constantly improving techniques. * Their suppliers: markets, customer intelligence, and cooperation to improveproducts through long term, mutually beneficial relationships. * Public, local and national authorities: a deep commitment to the community,as a socially responsible economic actor and good corporate citizen. Objectives †¢Improve customer satisfaction †¢Improve profitability †¢Significant reduction in excess inventory Carrefour is a public limited company with a share capital of 1,790,354,427.50 euros divided into 716,141,771 shares and with some 460,000shareholders. Carrefours employees own 2.98% of the Groups share capital.Their attention to social and environmental performance preserves their share price and attracts new investors sensitive to social and environmental issues.Carrefour strives to guarantee to its shareholders the transparency of its corporategovernance. Ethical, social or environmental issues are dealt with by Carrefour’s key decision making bodies : 1. The Board of Directors is Carrefour’s main governing body. It comprises 11members of whom 3 are independent directors, and is assisted by a Strategic Steering Committee, an Audit Committee and a Wages and Salaries Committee. 2. The Executive Committee is the backbone ´ of Carrefour’s managementstructure. Under the impetus of its chairman, it recommends strategic directionsand guidelines and organises their deployment. Its membership reflects the waythe Group is structured per geographic area with cross sector support functions. 3. The Quality Sustainable Development department, which manages thesustainable development programme, reports directly to the CEO and advises theExecutive Committee on sustainability issues. Carrefour products Besides, With its customers needs in mind, Carrefour decided in 1985 toreplace its produits libres, generic product line created in 1976, with an own -brand line, which is produced for the most part by small and medium sizedbusinesses and manufacturers. Today, Carrefour sells over 2,000 products thatmeet very strict specifications with regard to their price / quality ratio, taste,authenticity, food safety, traceability and innovation. Carrefour also sells 5,000 non- food products under its own brand names. Outside laboratories conduct qualityaudits of our non-food products at various stages in their production to make sure theymeet our specifications. Carrefours organic line now offers 130 products in its freshfood, grocery and frozen food aisles. All products in the Carrefour organic lineare inspected and certified by the independent certification organization ECOCERT,and must meet organic farming specifications (no chemical fertilizers, no syntheticpesticides). Everyone who works with Carrefour to produce its organic line makes a long term commitment to adhere to demanding production control and producttracking specifications. Regular inspections are conducted at every stage of themanufacturing process, up to and including inspections of the finished product. Carrefour market positioning Carrefour does business, its stores have further moved its marketpositioning towards the discount end through a policy of low prices andlargescale promotions. The banners concerned by the conversion to the eurolocked in their prices through May 2002 and maintened a freeze on own brandsover the whole year. The price positioning was supported by many promotionalcampaigns. In the first half, Carrefour won back market share in Brazil byconducting three short promotional campaigns a week. In the second half, thegroup’s 40th Anniversary offered a worldwide opportunity to display thecompetitive nature of the product range. Other international promotions such asthe ones in countries involved in the World Football Cup, helped to boostthe stores financial performance. Carrefour branches With operations in 30 countries, Carrefour is the world’s second largestretail group. It is the number one retailer in Europe. Carrefour has  also been present in the Americas since 1975 and in Asia since 1989. This success stems from their ability to adapt their strategy to fit local markets and to make globalisation an Opportunity for progress. Wherever they do business, they striveto raise local standards in terms of quality, service, working conditions and preserving the environment. They also mindful of their contribution to the labour market, in some countries, like Argentina. Carrefour is the largest private sector employer. Market positioning is the act of designing the company’s offerings and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of target market for its product, brand, or organization. It is the relative competitive comparison their product occupies in agiven market as perceived by the target market. Market positioning strategy usedby all retail in dustry such as foreign hypermarket. Below type of market positioning strategy used by retail industry . Product offered by Carrefour is a basis to differentiate other hypermarket product. The bases used in Carrefour hypermarket are * Quality Quality is one of Carrefour main source of competitive differentiation and is partof the fundamental policies defining the implementation of the Carrefour’s strategy. It always corresponds to what the customer explicitly or implicitly wantsand must be clearly perceived as such. The value for money must be the best.Controlled products whether banner brands or own brands, offer exemplary qualityand safety. A product must demonstrate the required quality level before it canbe approved for purchase. * Guaranteeing food products safety and quality The best possible value for money is offered at every price level (first priceproducts/ own brand and banner brand products). For own brand and banner brand products, the quality process includes signing a set of specifications,approving production sites and product control plan, processing and archiv ing anycon-compliant products and following up of customers claims. To complete thissystem, Carrefour has deployed in 2005 a Quality Scorecard available on theintranet site, which enable all the Carrefour to track products at every stage of their marketing and to react more efficiently in case of a crisis. * An approach shared with our suppliers To guarantee the quality of its food products and its own brand and banner brand products, Carrefour systematically conducts audits on its suppliers’s production sites, which are audited health and safety conditions. Suppliers’s production sites are audited by Carrefour,  its service providers or certificationagencies. Suppliers are audited with respect to health and safety conditions, riskcontrol, traceability and compliance with specifications. In addition, Carrefour endeavours to verify progress in product development Quality at the best price: first price products First price No1 ´ products launched in Malaysia. Drawing on synergies andpurchasing volumes at the Carrefour, these products are intended to offer consumers quality products at a price that is 5% to 7% below hard discountprices. In addition to meeting existing legal requirements, No1 products alsoreflects the quality and safety approach that characterizes all their own brandand banner brand products. Carrefour has decided to apply the same position for No1 products as for own brand and banner brand products by excludinggenetically modified organisms from the composition of all products. * Quality information on non food products labels To promote the quality of its own brand products and retail brand productsamong consumers, Carrefour hypermarkets decided to optimize the quality of information on the packaging of its Carrefour brand non food products. Four criteria, symbolized by four icons, were adopted, referring to usage, safety, health and the environment or social conditions of production. The packaging points outthe most striking criterion for each product by explaining in one or two sentencesthe product’s added value. This is signed with the commitment logo of Carrefour, which provides Consumer services with evidences of its procedures.Carrefour has already used this method on paints, backpacks, toys and scents. This approach will be extended to include children’s products, paper goods,sporting goods and food containers. * Ensure in store safety and quality The proper upkeep of stores and the respect for the cold chain and food safetyare key elements of the Carrefour’s policy in Malaysia . Thus the Carrefour mobilizes all its employees to ensure respect for health and safety rules. Thisinvolves training, establishing procedures, and systematic hygiene and qualityaudits in stores and warehouses. * Improve nutritional information on food products labels Facing with a disturbing rise in food-related problems and to help customers tocombine food products better for a more balanced diet, in early 2005, Carrefour has optimized the labelling of its Carrefour brand products. The Carrefour’s Commercial Department has worked with the CLCV to develop a more accessibleand helpful presentation of nutritional  information. The packaging has now a ³nutrition box ´ indicating the share of daily needs for six main nutrients ( fats,sugar, carbohydrates protein, fibre and salt) provided by the products. Brand The Carrefour has had successful financial results, has gained market share,and makes customer happy. This is a reward for all employees, as all of themplay a role in this result. In fact, over 90% of the employees work in contactwith customers. That means that customer happiness is closely linked to theemployees’ performance. The Carrefour has developed various tools, depending onthe employee’s position to assess the employee’s performance. For instance,tools for cashiers include such indicators as turnover and absenteeism. A number of teams participated directly in the preparation of the strategicplan through participating. In task forces that brought together people from allstore formats and all geographical areas. Being linked to the global strategy is agreat motivation for store managers. Moreover, the strategy is probably moreappropriate this way, so it is in turn easier for managers to implement theprograms with the employees. Since 2000, hypermarkets have systematized listening to employees toassess their satisfaction. Over 8,000 persons, both managers and employees,used it to express their point of view. It enables the Group to have a fair overview of labour relations, to adjust its management style and to draft actionplans that factor in employees’ recommendations and comments. Besides, general staff benefits include such as * Contractual Bonus * Service Awards Programme * Out Patient Treatment Benefits * Group Personal Accident Plan * Group Health Plan (Cover includes immediate family members) * Structured Skills Career Development (Programmes Structured SkillsCaree) Additional benefits for Non-Executives include allowances for: * Transportation * Attendance * Punctuality * Cashier ( cashier only ) * Festive incentive ( ie: Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali) At Carrefour, they constantly strive to be a responsible corporate citizen andundertake various measures to give back to the community and society as awhole. Carrefour strive to make a difference in the lives of the community fromthe urban to the rural and they are driven by the belief that all life is special anddeserves attention. Carrefour believes in operating business with integrity andcommitment to quality. This conviction that begins with us as an individual andthrough this inward conviction, Carrefour will make a difference in the lives of people around Malaysia. Personnel Differentiation The Carrefour Group has formalized its progressive approach based onthree key commitments: quality and safety, respect for the environment andeconomic and social responsibility. Safety commitment on Drug Perfume and Hygiene products (DPH) All suppliers are required to abide by Carrefour’s policy on cleaning,detergent and cosmetic products. No cosmetic product has been tested onanimals by Carrefour’s purchasing office or on its behalf for 10 years. Products and their formulas are rigorously scrutinized by a team of six internal specialists,with the support of an additional team of recognized external experts. Some of the group’s banners are taking this approach even further. Safety commitment on textiles and clothing for babies and children In 2003, Carrefour has developed specifications to improve the safety of clothing and textile products intended for children and babies. In two years, morethan 5,000 textile products involving over 200,000 substances were tested byindependent agencies. This safety requirement has been boosted by regular monitoring conducted with the help of specialists, toxicologists and allergists for all textile products. Based On services Differentiation The Carrefour puts its customers at the heart of everything it does. To thisend, it has simplified its organization, giving more independence to storemanagers to enable them to adapt their business as closely as possible to theneeds of their catchment area. Alongside this, the Carrefour has expandedcustomer choice, adapted its store brand ranges and increased its  serviceoffering. New store concepts have been introduced to respond to evolutions intheir customers’ lifestyles. For some years now, the Carrefour has also beenstrengthening its loyalty programs around this country to ensure that they reflectthe latest consumer and social trends.Over the years, Carrefour has added numerous practical and accessibleservices to its offering. The Carrefour has thus become a competitive player andthe benchmark in several areas of activity outside of its core business line.Carrefour made significant capital expenditures in 2002 to reconfigure its stores tomake them more attractive and im prove customer service. Reorganized salesareas and product staging make the best of the Carrefour’s various areas of expertise. This applies to both the food and non  ± food areas in hypermarkets. At Carrefour, they welcome customer views and comments which will help themimprove their service to customer. As in many other businesses, it is a crucial point for the Carrefour to learnabout their customers and to do everything they can to satisfy them. ThusCarrefour has defined what builds up a positive experience for the customer;apart from the differentiation strategies, price positioning strategies, distributionchannel and marketing mix, can see that the success factors contribute on itsproducts or services. The Carrefour mostly sells consumer goods and servicessuch as: * Convenience goods (food products, gas) which are sold by all formats of retail stores. * Shopping goods and services (household appliances, electronic devices)which are sold by hypermarkets only. * Cash Carry and wholesale stores sell industrial goods (mostly food) asthey sell to businesses (food trade professionals).Carrefour’ s success factors used on its product are: * The Carrefour ¶s product be unique and different from the existingproducts in the market. (CG Home theatre system very unique and different from other Hometheatre at market). * The product has sales in needed and wanted by the consumers.(Carrefour arrange different product in festival seasons such as HariRaya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and Christmas. Example: LuckyBamboo, cai Shen scoll, honey mandarin and assorted paper card inChinese New Year and Christmas table, Christmas trees and colourfullights  ± in Christmas.) The product have hi gh consumer demand and a high growth rate. ( allkind of product). * The product has to be reasonably priced and affordable to the majorityof consumer. ( all kind of product). * The  Carrefour have sufficient funds to build consumer awareness andcarry on other promotional activities. ( Carrefour Gift Vouchers, Carrefour Bonus ) . Form The products design different from other products, example GC product.QualityCarrefour always guarantee that all products they sales are safety and goodquality. Brand At Carrefour they sales CG brand products, which one mostly unique anddifferent from other brand products at market. Besides Carrefour also sales other product such as TOSHIBA, PENSONIC, ELBA, FABER, SAMSUNG, SHARP, LG,Goldsonic and etc.Durability A product that can last for many years is perceived as a product of goodquality.FeaturesCG products have various attractive features such as CG television set with loudstereo sound, clear picture quality , remote control and a big screen falls into thegood quality product category. Carrefour FreshFOod Carrefour also offer fresh food to consumers which one given the opportunity toconsumer to make many choices, an opportunity which has so far been lacking in Malaysia Carrefour. In terms of fresh produce, choice also pervades. Pursuingthe unconventional, for example, Carrefour will carry those items that other storesshy away from: at Carrefour one can find curved cucumbers, freshly harvestedcabbage (ones that have not gone through any additional processes), and other items that suffer from no real, discernible defect in quality. Besides Carrefour also carry fresh food like fresh chicken, fresh fish, fresh Australia Beef, freshprawn and etc.Differentiation strategies on Carrefour Fresh Food are based on productdifferentiation.QualityThe Quality Way products are the result of the collaboration between Carrefour and chosen producers, who have committed themselves to strictly follow a qualityletter statutes agreement. The aim of the collaboration is to provide consumerswith healthy and safe products. The products certified with the Quality Way signare quality and safety guaranteed, from the first production stage until the finalpositioning on the shelves. Some fresh food in Carrefour certificated as QualityWay are : Halvah quality way, Chicken quality way, Free Range Eggs quality way, Fresh Fish tsipoura quality way, French beef, Salmon, Biological bread, Barrel Feta quality way, Pork quality way, Apples agorin quality way, Peaches and Nectarines Veria quality way, Seabass quality way, Kiwi quality way, Feta Tin quality way Based on services differentiation.Carrefour also provide customer service such as Cutting Service (Scalling / Cuttingservice for meat products upon request). Carrefour Family G oods.  Carrefour also carry family Goods such as Carrefour Baby Goods (Food range,hygiene, perfumery, childcare products, toys, apparel developed under the adviceof a committee of pediatricians and specialists, in order to guarantee the baby’s development from 0 to 36 months with security and comfort.), Carrefour KidsGoods ( Food range, general merchandise, apparel, designed to develop goodhabits (fight against obesity with less fats, sugar and salt), as well as developingautonomy, satisfying the tastes of children between 4 and 10 years old throughadapted packaging and the use of the mascot: Genius), Men’s clothes, Lady’ sclothes (variety of clothes) and etc. Differentiation strategies on Carrefour Family Goods are based on productdifferentiation.QualityCarrefour always guarantee that family goods they sales are safety and goodquality specially Babys Goods. To guarantee the quality of its products and itsown brand and banner brand products, Carrefour systematically conducts auditson its suppliers’ production sites, which are audited health and safety conditions..Suppliers are audited with respect to health and safety conditions, risk control,traceability and compliance with specifications. Distribution Channel The Carrefour as a whole is an efficient channel of distribution: it is a whole setof marketing intermediaries that have joined together to transport and store goodsfrom producers to consumers. The Carrefour acts as a wholesaler as the Groupsells products to franchises. All the retail stores are other intermediaries. Some of the producers are local while other goods  are bought by bulk purchases or global sourcing. That means that Carrefour has to organize the wholetransportation to its retail stores. Carrefour is mainly concerned with outboundlogistics as they manage flows of finished products to ultimate customers (and tobusiness buyers for cash carry). This is a critical activity for Carrefour: they just cannot have empty shelves because that would not make customers happy!Each day, 8 trucks are needed to deliver products to one hypermarket! They usesophisticated software to create an efficient link between sales and purchases.They use  ³push  ± pull push ´ logistics. It means that they both do forecasts andthey also control what is sold in order to adapt. Before the merger Carrefour  ±Promodà ¨s, both firms had their own channels of distribution. After the merger,they decided to organize a common and efficient channel of distribution. It can bedivided into three networks: î€ grocery products which stay a very short time in warehouses for hypermarkets the same products for supermarkets, convenience stores and Promocash î€ products which stay a bit longer in warehouses, and that are delivered toall formats of stores This new system enables to reduce the distance over which the products aretransported (thus reducing the cost), and also shortens the time for the delivery.Moreover, with the  ³multidrop system ´, only one truck is used to transportproducts from a manufacturer to two close warehouses. Carrefour owns manyhuge logistics platforms (also called distribution warehouses). They gather products from different manufacturers (which are suppliers for Carrefour), andredistribute these products to the different stores when they need them. Theyhave introduced technological tools: those who prepare orders are helped by avocal recognition tool, in order to avoid any mistakes. Manufacturers used tostore finished goods in their own warehouse, and then, the goods weretransferred to Carrefour warehouses. Carrefour now wants to transport directly thefinished goods from the manufacturers’s to Carrefour warehouses. Marketing mix The marketing mix looks at the four main factors that go into a marketingprogram (Product , Price , Place , Promotion ) , which are referred to as the 4 Ps. PRODUCT The Carrefour needs to design their stores so that they meet customers need.This includes having the right store format, helpful services, the  appropriateproduct mix , and a reliable private label brand.Carrefour have adapted the kinds of products they sell to the local culture. For instance , Chinese people do not always have a huge refrigerator , so theyappreciate fresh products. Thus , Carrefour , by guaranteeing both prices andquality for lots of fresh products has a real advantage : it is much easier andpractical to buy fresh goods.Moreover , in Carrefour , they also sell western products for the western peopleliving here. This market segment needs were not yet fulfilled, as westernproducts are not sold elsewhere. In Carrefour Malaysia, people can buy suchgoods as chocolates, wine, and even cheese or cookies just like in France. Thegroup also adapted its services to local shopping habits. For instance, inMalaysia , people often drive to hypermarkets , only once a week. They buyeverything they need for the week, and a car is very useful to transport thegoods back home. That is why big parking lots are needed. ( in convenience stores ) Although the Carrefour sells a lot of goods with a manufacturer’s brand names(such as Danone , Yoplai t or Nestlà © ), they also sell dealer (private label)brands: * Carrefour (in Carrefour hypermarkets) , * Champion( in Championsupermarkets ) * Grand Jury ( in convenience stores ). Thus, these products donot carry the manufacturer’s name. The Carrefour product range now includes11,000 mass-market products and miscellaneous household goods.They have paid a special attention to the packaging so that the brand isimmediately recognizable . It has a special colour code , displays the Carrefour’squality commitment, complete labelling information and a display of the Carrefour’s satisfaction or consumer money back ´ policy. In order to improve these brandsequity, they use widely recognized labels to promote trust among customers. The brand loyalty  is very high. The Carrefour brand is the best selling brand inCarrefour hypermarkets, representing 25% of the total sales. Nine out of 10customers fill their shopping carts with Carrefour brand products. Thus, these products donot carry the manufacturerss name. The Carrefour product range now includes11,000 mass-market products and miscellaneous household  goods.They have paid a special attention to the packaging so that the brand isimmediately recognizable . It has a special colour code , displays the Carrefourssquality commitment, complete labelling information and a display of the Carrefourss satisfaction or consumer money back ´ policy. In order to improve these brandsequity, they use widely recognized labels to promote trust among customers. Thebrand loyalty is very high. The Carrefour brand is the best selling brand inCarrefour hypermarkets, representing 25% of the total sales. Nine out of 10customers fill their shopping carts with Carrefour brand pro ducts. PRICE This is a very important P in Carrefour’s strategy, they even talk of the  ³priceimage ´ of the group.The objective of the Carrefour is to reduce prices in all formats of stores.In 2005, the clearly stated objective of each hypermarket was to be the leastexpensive store within its market radius. This is a competition based pricing,their strategy is based on what other competitors are doing (including harddiscounters and informal traders), and the Carrefour tries to set the price belowthe competitors.However, they also seem to have a demand based (or target) pricing  as theyconstantly try to reduce prices to meet or exceed customers expectations, eventhough they are already under their competitors’ price. The objective of this pricereduction strategy is to attract more people to the stores, thus gaining market shares. The objective can be explained as a virtuous circle: the more they sell,the more economies of scale they can do, the more they can lower prices thusattracting more customers. The Carrefour has reduced the necessary time toanalyze the research data and to adjust price displays in each department to 24to 72 hours maximum. They pay a particular attention to the pricing of  ³sensitive ´categories of products (those that the customers notice). They have also studiedwhat factors contributed to this image. The main ones are fresh product pricecompetitiveness, reliability and quality of the price indications, pricecompetitiveness of the private label range. PLACE This P is about putting the product in a place where people will buy it.The  Carrefour adds value to goods or services by different means. Form utility The fresh bakery department in hypermarkets uses variousingredients to make croissants, bread and baguettes on the spot. Other departments such as the butchers’s and the fish department also perform formutility. Time utility. In order to make products available when they are needed, theCarrefour has developed a new format according to consumer needs and wants. Place utility In order to sell products where people want them, the Carrefour has different store formats. For instance, in Malaysia , hypermarkets are intown suburbs easily accessible by cars. Possession utility The group provides credit. With the PASS Card, customerscan spread out their payments and make their purchases on credit. TheCarrefour also helps to take a loan to buy a car for example. When you buybig goods, hypermarkets can deliver them to you. PROMOTION Promotion is the effort to inform and remind people in the market about productson sale in the stores, and to persuade them to buy. Carrefour uses various tools(advertising, public relations, sales promotion) which altogether are called thepromotion mix. It is worth noticing that as other big retailers, they do not usepersonal selling. Advertising Carrefour slogan (Lebih Jimat, Lebih Hemat ) is probably one of the best knownamong Malaysian people. It is quite simple to remember. It just means that withCarrefour, can be very optimistic as everything is so great in these hypermarkets. As they target the local market, it is highly efficient as people see the billboardsmany times. Time to time, they use other medias such as the TV to promotenation  ± wide events. Public relations In order to inform the public of the changes that are being made by Carrefour,and to show how this is a good thing to customers, Carrefour has a veryefficient information programme. Moreover, as Carrefour is one of the biggestfirms, there are many newspaper articles about the Carrefour. Overall, thesepublications are a good publicity for the Carrefour. Sales Promotion is the promotional tool that stimulates consumer purchasing anddealer interest by means of short term activities. Carrefour Hypermarketsregularly send catalogues to all households that live nearby. In each hypermarket, they have a reserved zone where they make special displays to present newproducts. There are also reduction coupons for those who have  the loyalty cardCarrefour. They can have reductions of 20% on most popular products. Specialevents are organized each time they open a store. They also use bonuses (buyone, get one free), especially one they want to get rid of their stock. The Carrefour’s need to attract the greatest possible number of people totheir retail stores. As different market segments have different needs, they needto have different formats of retail shops to fulfill these needs. For instance,elderly person often do not have a car and live alone, so they need a storenear their house, they need district shops. However, large families with childrenare looking for hypermarkets where they can buy goods at a cheap price, justonce a week. So that Carrefour need deploying an ongoing and aggressive low-price policy by expanding its in  ± store promotions and communications.Besides Carrefour need to: Strengthen environmentally conscious product and packaging design anddevelop a range of products with social and environmental added value. * Ensure product safety and quality, and customer and and employee safetyat our store locations. * Guarantee respect for human rights internally and along their productssupply chain. * Promote staff training and development, and inform staff of their view of the world, and their core values, their policies and their approach tosustainability. * Respect customers freedom of choice by offering them a wide range of products at attractive prices with full, factual information. * Making the brand work harder will help Carrefour grow sales and profitsin Malaysia. * Offer a more diversified product mix than traditional with hard discount. Reference * Carrefour Malaysia. (online). Available: * Carrefour Group. (online). Available: * * Wal-mart store inc. (online). Available:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Review of Dickersons End Of Blackness Essay example -- essays research

Debra Dickerson, a lawyer and journalist, sets out to inform blacks that they have to give up on the past. If they do not give up on the past, there will be no future for blacks in America. She opens her book, The End of Blackness: Returning the Souls of Black Folks to Their Rightful Owners, by saying â€Å"this book will both prove and promote the idea that the concept of ‘blackness,’ as it has come to be understood, is rapidly losing its ability to describe, let alone predict or manipulate, the political and social behavior of African Americans† (p.3). My first thought after finishing this book was that she did not prove anything. Dickerson’s goal in this book, I gather, is to criticize contemporary approaches to race. She does this without leaving anything or anyone untouched. She questions the civil rights establishment, which sets the current tone of black politics to white apologists who continue to minimize the affects of slavery. One of her main arguments is that as long as blacks define themselves in terms of inherited blackness the civil rights movement will never be complete. Not only do blacks need to stop identifying with the past, they must surrender. According to Dickerson, â€Å"blacks must consciously give up on achieving racial justice† (p 16), is this a possibility? I do give credit to Dickerson for noting that blacks in America still face structural barriers to equality, among them poor scholastic achievement, crime, family breakdown and infant mortality; however, ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Legend of Korra Analytical Paper

The Legend of Korra: Stereotypes Stereotypes are very common in the current state of the world. In The Legend of Korra, which is the animated sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, the protagonist is a 17-year-old teenager named Korra. She is the next avatar (The avatar is someone who can control all the elements and is supposed to restore order to the world). During the first season of Legend of Korra many antagonists try to oppose Korra because of the stereotypes made about her. Korra also stereotypes about others as well which causes her failures.The Legend of Korra is a window of our culture about Stereotypes. Many people stereotype Korra wrongly (Ulaby n. pag. ). She is much like Katniss and Kim Impossible (Boucher n. pag. ). She has a very defined set of morals such as honesty, friendship, and fun. Korra breaks almost all the stereotypes that are made about her. The people of Republic City assume that Korra is a serious, semi- powerful, and all knowing, but in reality she really is not. Although Korra has an enormous responsibility she is a carefree teen. She is reckless and curious.In The Legend of Korra there is a rebel organization called â€Å"The Equalists†, their leader is a man called Amon (Legend n. pag. ). The Equalists assume at first that Korra is an incompetent avatar and then her element bending skills are amateur. They stereotyped wrong; just because she was a woman and was young did not mean that she was not powerful. In that episode she defeated them easily. This situation happens daily on earth. People often overestimate their power and underestimate their enemies. Korra also overestimates her abilities and powers.She has a very high ego and is rash. Korra often digs a hole for herself that she cannot get out of. In many episodes Korra will just jump right into the action and will receive bad consequences. After Korra defeated â€Å"The Equalists† once she realized the power she had and started to abuse her powers. Also after getting defeated â€Å"The Equalists† realized how powerful she was and adjusted to her personality. In one instance, Korra walks right into a trap because of her impulses and instinct. â€Å"The Equalists† then captured her as well as her friends (Legend n. ag. ). Many individuals underestimate the opposing people. In sports a good team may be facing a horrible team. The good team might think that they do not need to practice because they are facing a bad team. This underestimating often causes the downfall of many teams and people. The Stereotypes are everywhere in The Legend of Korra. Many people in LoK that Korra is weak and amateur; which Korra is not. Not only do people stereotype Korra, but Korra also does a fair amount of stereotyping. The Legend of Korra reflects many stereotypes of this world.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Racial Formations: Reflection and Analysis

I am, without a doubt, completely uncomfortable discussing race. In fact, it is among my least favorite things to do. I mostly feel as if I do not know how to discuss race without offending someone, using the wrong word, revealing my ignorance about many issues within the topic, changing my mind about a certain belief midstream, or just generally looking like a fool. I avoid these discussions at all costs because they put me in a place I am rarely ready to be. So, naturally, this reading struck a chord with me before it actually even began. I related instantly and wholeheartedly to the question raised in the introduction: â€Å"If race is not ‘real’ in a scientific sense, why can I look around my classroom or campus and see that someone is black or Asian or white? † This quandary has plagued me for years. It seemed to me that race had to be more than a social construction established centuries ago. It had never really made sense to me, and this question established a personal connection for me to Omi and Winant’s subsequent explanation of this perplexing notion. The authors’ explanation of the history of race consciousness certainly helped me in my quest for answers and gave me a much clearer understanding of the origins of race consciousness. I could imagine the European settlers’ surprise upon discovering theirs was not the only existing race, thus challenging essentially every religious belief they held about creation. They could not explain this difference, and, as human beings devout in their religion, that was unacceptable. They needed explanation, and they needed to find it in the Bible. It is not difficult to relate to the anxiety and uncertainty they experienced. People of all religions seem to spend much of their practice justifying what happens in their lives — both good and bad — within their particular religious texts. We take scripture, verses, lines, chapter, and so on and make it fit into what makes sense for us or, in many cases, make it work to our advantage so that we can cope with what we do not understand or agree with. Having established how race consciousness came to be in the first place, Omi nd Winant address how race became a social concept, the issue at the heart of my original conundrum. As I read about hypodescent and beliefs about racial intermixture, I started to understand. The authors’ use of Marvin Harris’ work further established this understanding, particularly Harris’ statement, â€Å"†¦ The rule of hypodescent is, therefore, an invention, which we in the United States have made in order to keep b iological facts from intruding into our collective racist fantasies† (11). That was it. This eighteenth-century way of thinking was a continuance of the European settlers’ need to justify certain behaviors. They may not have been using the Bible to do so, but the creators of hypodescent were merely creating a belief to help them get through the social structure they had established and accepted. Now that I have a much better understanding of race as nothing more than a social construct, I suppose my issue is not entirely with those European settlers and not with inventors of outlandish notions about â€Å"Negro blood† but rather with current society. We are now at a point that we should know better. We should know that no one race is superior. We should know that â€Å"white† is hardly â€Å"pure† and certainly does not equal â€Å"better† simply because it is â€Å"white. † We have more than enough information to move beyond these ways of thinking and into a new era in which we are able to, as Omi and Winant state at the end of the writing, â€Å"break with these habits of thought† (15).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Delia’s life Essays

Delia’s life Essays Delia’s life Essay Delia’s life Essay In the story â€Å"Trifle,† the way the setting was depicted by the author helps the audience understand how sad the main character is. The setting also helps the audience to understand why Mrs. Wright was fond of her bird as the bird gave her life and happiness. In the play, Mrs. Hale said: â€Å"come to think of it, she was kind of like a bird herself-real sweet and pretty, but kind of timid and-fluttery† (Glaspell). Mrs. Wright’s cheerfulness, beauty, and carefree spirit back then were metaphorically compared to a bird. â€Å"She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively, when she was Minnie Foster, one of the town girls singing in the choir,† said Mrs. Hale (Glaspel). In that remark, Mrs. Hale compared Mrs. Wright’s colorful clothes to the bird’s pretty feathers. Mrs. Wright also sang in the choir just like the birds singing in groups. However, after her marriage to Mr. Wright, she started to withdraw from her previous energetic activities maybe because she was possibly oppressed by her husband. The bird cage also symbolizes the secluded life of Minnie or Mrs. Wright. She started to live in isolation with her husband and farmland when she got married. She rarely went out and indulged herself in outdoor activities. The preserved fruit, nicely designed sewing box, and empty bird cage also mirror Mrs. Wright’s domestic and creative character. Most importantly, they were especially helpful to Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters in tracing the truth behind the murder case. The sewing box, which revealed Mrs. Wright’s unfinished quilt, suggested that she was a creative person and helped the audience understand why she was capable of such crafty and detailed murder. The short story â€Å"Sweat† on the other hand speaks about the uncivil and unequal treatment of women especially in their marriages. Just like Minnie Wright, Delia Jones, the main protagonist of this story, survives years of her husband’s cruel physical and psychological treatment not just to her but on their community as a whole. Women during those times were expected to please their husbands, to do domestic works and to be obedient. Women could nothing to change their destinies towards the social constructed roles since they have very little opportunities in politics and social activities. Delia Jones was intertwined with two kinds of inequalities and discrimination: her role as a woman and the apparent discrimination towards her as a black woman. She was doing a domestic role not just for her family but for the whole community. Her work includes doing a laundry for the white people since at this time there were relatively no job opportunities for women, especially if they were black. Her husband on the other hand refused to work with her, very insensitive and unsympathetic to her needs. Looka heah, Sykes, you done gone too fur. Ah been married to you fur fifteen years and Ah been takin in washin for fifteen years. Sweat sweat, sweat! Work and sweat, cry and sweat, pray and sweat! Her life was a never ending work and abuse not just with her husband but with the community as well. Even though the community was perfectly aware of the beatings, verbal and psychological abuses Delia was experiencing, they remained quiet believing that what happened between a husband and wife was personal so no one had the right to help that time during those days. Moreover, her husband publicly commits constant infidelities and no matter how devastating and painful it was to Delia, she can not file for a divorce. Divorce at that time was hard to obtain especially to a poor woman like her. Fortunately Sykes was killed by a rattlesnake when his cruel joke abruptly turns on him. This started the turning point in Delia’s life. The death of her husband became a significant way to get out of the trap towards oppression and abuses. Even though Delia was constantly put down and made to feel less than human by her husband and the community around her, but her spirit and sense of self was never completely smothered. While Minnie Wright counteract with the abuses she experienced with her husband in a negative way; killing the oppressor. Their point of comparison is that they are exactly opposite. Delia was being dominated by the good side of her human nature while Minnie Wright was dominated by the evil tendencies of human. The common feature of the two plays or stories is that both describe the nature of women. The women’s traits can be an advantage and disadvantage. Both stories were written in the early 1900’s where male dominates the civilization. Hence, the plays depict the conventional and traditional domestic nature of women and the different possibilities of how women will respond to it.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Final Debate essays

The Final Debate essays The third and last debate was held on Wednesday, October 13, 2004. The debate, between President George Bush and Senator John Kerry, was a debate on domestic issues. Overall, I believe George Bush won the debate because he enforced equality among Americans, assured seniors about the Social Security system, and stated the facts on education in the country. Bush stated that improved education is the surest route to equality for all Americans. But let me talk about what's really important for the worker you're referring to, and that's to make sure the education system works, it's to make sure we raise standards. Listen, the No Child Left Behind Act is really a jobs act, when you think about it. The No Child Left Behind Act says we'll raise standards, we'll increase federal spending. But in return for extra spending, we now want people to measure, states and local jurisdictions to measure, to show us whether or not a child can read or write or add and subtract, said President Bush. President Bush assures that each child will obtain the necessary education to receive a college diploma. Bush shows that by measuring early, when they find a problem, they spend extra money to correct it. When Bush was asked about the estimated $1 trillion deficit the Social Security system faces, he sought to assure seniors that they are still going to get their checks as he tries to get Congress to consider reforms that would partially privatize the system for younger workers. I remember the 2000 campaign people said if George W. gets elected, your check will be taken away. Well, people got their checks. And they'll continue to get their checks, stated the President. Bush proved that the seniors continued to get their checks. Last, after Kerry accused Bush of cutting Pell Grants, a need-based college scholarship, Bush altered the accusation when he pointed out accurately that about 1 million more st ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

18 Irresistible Types of Travel Writing - Freewrite Store

18 Irresistible Types of Travel Writing - Freewrite Store Photo by  Josh Nezon  on  Unsplash Today’s guest post is by  Corinne Lincoln-Pinheiro.   Corinne is a journalist with experience as a freelance legal digital reporter, military journalist, city junior newspaper editor and health blogger. She is a military spouse blogger and also writes about military-family travel.  Corinne is also a  published creative nonfiction writer and poet.    Finally, you’re ready to take the plunge into the travel writing sphere. Now what? What types of travel writing are right for you? Well, whether you’re a novice or seasoned writer searching for something new, there are multiple avenues from which to turn an aspiration into a part-time gig or full-time career. Modern travel writing appears in many forums, from travel blogs and websites, in-flight travel magazines, trade magazines, newspapers, free periodicals, books and more. But before all that comes the decision as to which one(s) suits you best. The Travel Writer’s Guide Of course, deciding on what’s a good fit depends on your interests and expertise. Because many travel writing categories overlap and have similar templates and requirements, you can do more than one type of writing simultaneously. You should ask yourself: how much time do I want to devote to research, how many articles can I produce a week, and how far am I willing to travel and how often? Am I drawn to travel journalism? Whether this venture is a stepping stone to something else, supplement income, or a new career altogether, travel writing is competitive and writers are typically poorly compensated. The best travel writers are unique and bring a fresh perspective. Being able to pitch great ideas, following through, and having something interesting to say is indispensable. Whatever you do, be authentic, candid, and creative in your approach. I once pitched a two-week travel extravaganza (from Forks, Washington State to Eugene, Oregon), and wrote more than 20 pieces about (sometimes little known) attractions along the West Coast. The travel series on gems near Highway 101, ran both online and in print.   Creativity is one thing but you must have your readers’ interest at heart. After an all-expenses-paid trip to the South, I didn’t give outstanding reviews to all of the attractions (unlike the travel bloggers in attendance). But my audience- primarily military families, often had to take vacations on a budget, if they took one at all, and they appreciated the advice about attractions that weren’t worth the price. This guide will provide a brief overview of 18 types of travel writing options to help you narrow down which one(s) you’d like to pursue. Types of Travel Writing: 1. Weekend Warrior2. Content and Social Media Marketing3. Roundups and "Best of" Lists4. Holidays and Special Events5. Side Trips6. Destination Pieces7. Travel and Lifestyle Blogging8. How-To Travel Guides9. Advice Articles10. Travel Itineraries11. Food and Travel12. Guidebooks13. Travel Humor14. Personal Travel Essays15. Travel Memoirs16. Travel Modes17. News Travel18. Travel Op-Eds 1. Weekend Warrior Are you one of those people who gravitate toward articles about the perfect day trip? Local or regional attractions are great for this type of piece. This is a mashup of a few ways to travel write- it can be an outdoor expedition, recreational indoor activity, weekend getaway, or a combination. It may focus on a fishing trip, bike or hiking trails, scenic road trips, or indoor rock climbing for example. It’s a destination piece with an element of adventure that gives the reader a glimpse of what they could be doing this weekend. Travel writers should know the market, the publication and their vocabulary. Consider if the piece will be family-oriented, what are some interesting things to do outside of the must-see attractions, how to get the most out of the day or weekend, along with descriptions of the scenery and facts about the activity. Whether it's water sports, glamping or packaged adventures, if you live it, why not write about it? This can also be a version of roundups (see below) and may include additional specifics on a destination’s happy-hours specials, shopping, food, drink, the arts, and nightlife. Photo by Corinne Lincoln-Pinheiro 2. Content and Social Media Marketing Travel companies sometimes hire freelance content and social media writers to promote their product and services via blog posts, video clips, and articles. You’ll need to write quickly, vary the tone for targeted audiences and engage with followers and update posts. If you favor succinct tweets, Instagram blasts and Facebook blurbs, you’ll like this option. Side note: As a travel writer, you should have a social media presence anyway. While you’re traveling, you can upload videos and pictures to promote the attractions and things to do at the destination. Also, during complimentary travel, businesses like the fact that you’re able to â€Å"bring along your followers to visit† their destinations and spread the word instantly. Finally, most companies have social media pages and as more people turn to them for ideas, travel content and social media writers are in demand, especially if you employ SEO practices. There are even content marketing companies that hire travel writers specifically to research and write content for other businesses. 3. Roundups and "Best of" Lists Very popular these days, roundups are bullet-point lists that collect information on different destinations with a common theme, like the â€Å"10 Best BB’s in San Francisco.† It isn’t too in-depth and because it’s brief, the catch is finding ways to spice up descriptions and avoid clichà ©s. The introductory paragraph setups the common thread/angle and bullet points justify why the destination made the list. Roundups should be accurate and well-researched to produce quality pieces (even better is visiting the destinations and providing original content). If your roundups are in the same region (like the BBs in San Francisco) before you visit you can request complimentary accommodations. Better yet, contact local tourism agencies and they’ll help set up tours, press passes, create your itinerary and provide tour guides, on occasion. Roundups get a lot of online views and are easily scan for pertinent information (it helps build your portfolio, too). 4. Holidays and Special Events A travel story  involving holidays and special events such as New Year’s or Germany’s Oktoberfest should be pitched and planned well in advance. If you’re new to travel writing, you can start with local festivals and fairs. One lesson I learned early on as a journalist who also covered travel writing- these events can produce multiple pieces and can be a treasure-trove for new leads. For example, the first piece can be a 200-word announcement of the event. Closer to the occasion, an interview with an event official about last year’s successes and what to expect this year serves as a reminder. As you cover the event, talk to everyone. If you do  multiple  types of travel  stories your next lead or resource could be around the corner. Photo by  Corinne Lincoln-Pinheiro 5. Side Trips A side trip is a â€Å"side-step† on the way to or from (or nearby) a major destination. It focuses on another city or lesser known location or attraction. Magazines usually plan for and arrange side trips to complement the issue’s featured travel article. Pitching these ideas early on can help them plan around the issue. Side pieces detail how to get there, attractions details such as hours of operation, so readers can know what to expect when visiting. Side trips are usually day-trips and travel writers maximize the benefits by also using these destinations (or information from them) in roundups or even weekend warrior angles.   6. Destinations Pieces Destination pieces that are feature articles are usually very in-depth. It finds the right angle to draw the reader into the painting the travel writer creates and entices them to visit. Features can be seasonal but should always be relevant. Often, editors assign these to established writers or those they have a working history and familiarity with. Well organized pieces seamlessly integrate facts, anecdotes, historical information, encounters, storylines, and the â€Å"Five W’s† of who, what, when, where, and why (and sometimes how). The challenge remains, as with all popular attractions, finding a fresh way to retell something many others have done before.   It’s usually told in the first person and the voice is more of a delivery tool than the focus. Great travel writers avoid meaningless descriptions and write compelling articles that make the reader hungry for the next detail. Destinations can also highlight overlooked attractions and little-known gems. 7. Travel and Lifestyle Blogging Travel blogging allows writers to set the tone and pace because there are no editors or deadlines or templates, just you and your readers. You can also be a guest contributor or invite guest bloggers to increase visibility. As for lifestyle blogging, it’s great for multiple ways of travel writing because you set the terms, here as well. However, it’s very competitive so the key is to build trust and rapport and be a credible resource for readers. You can write longform posts, roundups, destinations, weekend warriors angles and itineraries, you name it. Itineraries can take the form of where to eat, stay, and play, whereas longform posts are more narrative in nature with characters and vivid details. Bloggers keep the reader’s attention by being witty, creative and engaging, even intimate; they are active (in life and online), giving readers repeated reasons to return. 8. How-To Guides The how-to travel piece imparts invaluable advice and information, making travel writers a tour guide of sorts. You can help solve readers’ travel problems before they occur, and this alone will generate more shares if it's relatable and reliable. A how-to can focus on just one aspect of travel like how to get around complex international airports for example. â€Å"How-to† travel advice is a frequently googled topic, such as, â€Å"How to travel on a budget.† Travel writers should be comfortable conducting thorough research and have knowledge of the destination, where applicable. Great how-to articles are honest and trustworthy and teach readers essential tips beyond what the attraction entails. 9. Travel Advice Articles A how-to article can easily turn into an advice piece which discusses, for example, mishaps that can happen on a trip.   Advice on overcoming language barriers, what to do if you have to deal with law enforcement, foods to avoid, what to do if you lose your luggage, scams, where to get discounts and bargains, what to do if you miss your flight or if you become lost, all of these are advice a reader may not know they need. Whatever you recommend, it must be well-researched and interviews with credible experts help reinforce the advice given. Editors often assign these pieces to staff writers and not freelancers. How-to and advice travel articles can be in-depth standalone pieces, but often this information is incorporated in other pieces such as destination articles. Readers appreciate the one-stop â€Å"shopping,† especially if the advice is destination-specific and integral to the region. Many see this type of advice as essential to any travel piece. 10. Travel Itineraries Itineraries are city-by-city, region, destination, or sight-by-sight recount of all the details from planning to returning home, so the traveler can use it as a stencil. There are recommendations on where to visit and how to maximize time and save money. It goes into greater detail about the challenges of visiting a specific location, drive times and routes, weather and road conditions, crowds and busy times, and what clothing and gear to pack. Itineraries can be first-person accounts, relaying door-to-door experiences with a narrative thread that runs throughout. 11. Food and Travel This is a prized gig for foodies- exploring diverse cuisines, cultures, and dishes, all the while visiting interesting places. This is a staple in the travel writing industry because there are evergreen opportunities to explore. If you have a genuine interest in food and basic cooking knowledge, this dream job can lead to interesting discoveries, making for well-rounded pieces. Food and travel articles are not reviews and are more than just why a meal is great or where it falls short or the restaurant’s location. It’s the presentation, the ambiance, the way this dish makes you feel, the amazing hole-in-the-wall gems. You get to write about: how in some places food is passed on as an inheritance; how it can be the marking of a culture and its people; how it intersects with history and traditions and is a celebration of living.   Photo by  Corinne Lincoln-Pinheiro 12. Travel Guidebooks If you’re more of a straight-forward kind of writer, then this might be a better fit for you. Its factual, practical, and linear. It can be part-time or full-time employment but if constant travel isn’t appealing, you can be a local or regional writer.   Guidebooks cover a wide variety of subjects and are heavy on descriptions, and to stay current must have up-to-date listings. Many set boundaries and divide the guide into sights to see. Don’t rely on internet research alone, it’s best to see the place because knowledge of your destination is paramount, along with a good understanding of maps. Guidebooks may include quality beaches, five-diamond lodging and independent hotels, museums, history, architecture and local traditions. However, work can monotonous.   13. Travel Humor Do you have a knack for writing humorous stories? This can be a niche in and of itself in travel writing, and humor is sought after and well received by editors. It requires a clear voice, firsthand experiences, a storyline that engages, and sticking to an angle (and in a refreshing way). It builds rapport with readers, especially if the joke is at your expense. The downside is the risk of insulting someone, unintentionally singling out a group of people or being culturally insensitive, using offensive language, or accidentally letting your prejudices creep into your writing, or worse, using your wit as a weapon. Many travel writers stick to universal misadventures, misassumptions, misunderstandings, and tongue-in-cheek humor. But finding that delicate balance in tone, and keeping humor relevant, light-hearted enough, inclusive, and tolerant is no short order. 14. Personal Travel Essays A well-written, insightful personal travel essay is every editor’s dream, but it’s not always in demand or easy to write. A distinct voice, great backstory, a universal theme and/or lesson, the ability to tell a travel-related story imbued with metaphors and comparisons that reaches the reader, are all part of great travel personal essays. Switching between views- from wide to medium to close-level lenses, add depth, as well. Personal travel essays are more like a journey of discovery as the piece matures; its rich in perspective and a balanced travel narrative. The travel aspect shouldn’t hide inside your personal essay, your purpose should live amongst its storyline. Places can often invoke revelations that arise through reflection, writers learn about themselves, explore emotional issues, and make hidden connections. 15. Travel Memoirs Travel memoirs are even harder to write and many never make it to publication, especially if it reads like a diary entry. They aren’t autobiographical as traditional creative-nonfiction memoirs but like a personal essay, it has to be well-written, possesses a strong voice and point of view, something exceptional to say, even a metaphorical journey. Time and place, scenery, culture, and a distinctive narrative create a window into your experience. Knowing the targeted audience, developing fully-realized characters and storylines, and remaining focused (not every mishap should make it into your memoir), are the marking of a successful travel memoir. Finally, as with any book, know your publishing options, find an editor who is willing to work with you (even secure an agent), ask for help if you need it, walk away from time to time, and don’t doubt your abilities. Most of all start writing today, you have nothing to lose. At the very least it can be one or more exceptional personal travel essay. Or you can self-publish an eBook which you can use to market your writing skills. Photo by  Corinne Lincoln-Pinheiro 16. Travel Modes The travel modes  focus isn’t destinations but the form of transportation i.e. how you get there and the voyage itself. Transportation modes include vintage trains, railroads, ships, and automobiles. Not a how-to or advice piece, it can overlap in some ways but the central theme is the discoveries along the way, the way it makes the author feel, and other nostalgic and historical angles. Facts, a vivid narrative, (and photos even), elevate these expedition pieces.   17. News Travel Writing about places that made the new cycle either because of war, civil unrest or terrorism can become popular after the chaos is over. Places like Egypt and Israel, with its rich biblical history, monuments, and locations like Mt. Sinai and the Red Sea, are of interest to many a reader and traveler, alike.   This is a tricky mixture because though tourism is alive in these places, civil and economic disturbances (afterward) affect interest levels and thus publication opportunities. (Though there are readers who enjoy learning about such places, even if they have no intention of visiting.) Another intersection with travel writing and the news is if to travel to destinations that experience natural disasters. The occurrence of tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes, can open the way for a how-to about keeping safe and what to do in case it happens while on vacation. Discounts, bargains and cheap travel packages to nearby locations (where tourism may also suffer) make for travel articles, as well.   18. Travel Op-Eds Op-ed pieces are not as commonplace as other travel writing mediums. However, these travel writers are intimately familiar with each publication’s tone, style, and platform, and check (and adhere to) submission details and deadlines. Again, being original and persuasive, having a clear decisive voice, something valuable to share, and an angle increases publication opportunities.    There you have it, 18 ways to get started as a travel writer. Do you have experience with travel writing? We'd love to hear your story in the comments!      Corinne has freelanced as a legal digital reporter for ICS and ten of their national publications. She has served as a military journalist, travel writer, and photographer for Swarner Publications and their newspapers on Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM), including The Ranger, the Northwest Veteran (NW), the Northwest Airlifter, and their two online magazines, JBLM Spouses and JBLM Singles. At Fort Hood, she  was a  reporter and health blogger for the Killeen Daily Herald and a  junior editor for its former local paper, the Copperas Cove Herald. As a former military spouse, she’s written for and its subsidiary site, SpouseBuzz. She has published essays and poems and has a Master’s degree in Creative Nonfiction from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and a Bachelor’s degree in English from Pacific Lutheran University.  Corinne also has a background in Human Resources.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Conflicts in Organizations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conflicts in Organizations - Research Paper Example d structure is rigidly followed can create conflict when a given shareholder is required to discuss certain aspects of a project or a given task with individuals outside of their direct chain of command. Naturally, evidence of conflict can constitute itself in a vast array of different ways. Most notably, conflict can be visibly evidenced by verbal means or be the fact that formerly close colleagues and/or departments are not longer working together with a level of efficiency that was previously realized. However, more nuanced aspects of conflict can be evidenced by the fact that existing processes are not being followed and workflow is either not getting done at all or is being performed by alternative means. Although there are a number of visible means by which conflict can be evidenced on the surface, the sublevels of conflict can also rob an organization of its competitive advantage. Whereas visible conflict is usually easy to note, hidden conflict is much more difficult to find and determine the root cause of. Similarly, due to the fact that many shareholders are naturally reticent to be completely honest with management regarding the true source of the conflict, hidden conflict is one of the means by which an organization can secretly be drained of efficiency, potential, and talent (Mukhtar 44). Within a situation in which hidden conflict is evidenced, one of the most obvious means by which that this is evidenced is the fact that a greatly lower level of moral is seen among the shareholders. Although this is not always indicative of hidden conflict, it is a key indicator that can be utilized to call the leader’s attention to the fact that underlying levels of conflict may be robbing the organization of efficiency, satisfaction, and talent. More importantly than merely recognizing that conflict exists is of course the measures that can be taken to root it out and ensure that it does not further affect the determinants of the organization which have

Concept Comparison and Analysis Across Theories Paper Essay

Concept Comparison and Analysis Across Theories Paper - Essay Example Early nursing theorists aimed in defining what is nursing; conversely, contemporary theorists discussed the metaparadigm concepts in more depth, gave high regard to nursing actions in particular, and attempted to provide the rationale as to when is nursing necessary (Daniels, 2004). The works of contemporary theorists like Myra Levine, Dorothea Orem and Sister Callista Roy as highlighted by Daniels (2004), serve as the theoretical basis for a variety of interventions in current nursing practice. In the theories formulated by Sister Callista Roy which is known as the Adaptation Theory and in the Self-Care Theory by Dorothea Orem, the concepts given emphasis pertain to Man, Health, the Environment and Nursing (Timby, 2009). Man as defined by Dorothea Orem in her Self-Care Theory, is â€Å"an individual who utilizes self-care to sustain life and health, recover from disease or injury, or cope with its effects† (Timby, 2009, p. 7). On the contrary, according to Sister Callista Roy in her Adaptation Theory, Man is â€Å"a social, mental, spiritual and physical being affected by stimuli in the internal and external environments† (Timby, 2009, p. 7). In these two definitions of man, it is evident that man as described in the Adaptation theory portrays the different dimensions of a man whereas man in the Self-Care Theory is depicted in general. Health is the product of practices that people have learned to carry out on their own behalf to maintain life and well-being as stressed in the Self-Care Theory by Dorothea Orem (Timby, 2009, p. 7). Conversely, Health is defined as the persons capability to respond appropriately to changes in the environment (Timby, 2009). It is apparent that the two aforementioned theories defined health in varied ways; Self-Care Theory views health as an end product of individuals practices while Adaptation Theory deems that health is

Friday, October 18, 2019

Cryptography and Computer Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Cryptography and Computer Security - Essay Example virus from which the computer needed protection. Issues continued to arise but the most serious problem came with the introduction of internet. Internet gave birth to many problems because the internet gave rise to many virtual access points. Access points are an entrance to every sort of information and along with the information that enters virus and other malwares can easily enter. This opened a gateway to many virus and unwanted material into the computer. In order to protect the computer from such threats many techniques and methods were adopted and up till now new techniques and soft wares are being developed to protect the computer. One such method of protecting data is cryptography. It was used to convert understandable data into data that cannot be understood. In the earlier years cryptography was used to protect and secure information and messages between important personnel but gradually cryptography began to be used for the protection and safety of all sorts of communicat ion and safe computing. CRYPTOGRAPGY Cryptography has generally been used widely and there are some keys that are written for public and the major reason is to protect the data that is being transferred that is why it usually remains a secret or a matter of confidentiality between the receiver and the sender. It is a matter of great concern for the government and especially the law enforcing agencies when the data is encrypted as they need to be better equipped with programs and software so as to be counter the encrypted data and be able to read it. This is the sole reason that previously there was such a hue and cry with relations to the matter of privacy. It was discovered that there was no mail or communication that was hidden from them. They had super software and super computers to help them decode the algorithms and be able to decipher it. Earlier in 2009 there a series of very serious attacks on various organizations like Yahoo, Google, Morgan Stanley, Juniper Networks, Syman tec, Dow Chemical and the Adobe Systems. It was an attempt to get hold and manipulate the SCM of these organizations. The SCMs were wide open for access and the organizations never thought of protecting them as they felt that it was safe. The SCMs are quite an important part of any programs as they help when the person is looking to restructure the programs or rewrite them for any changes that are required. The main reason for the attack was to modify the SCM and then re modify the programs to their own motives. This attack showed how vulnerable the SCMs were. The result of this attack was to encrypt the SCM so that even if anyone got hold of them they would not be able to modify it. The encryption codified the programming and thus it was useless until the person was an expert in the algorithms. The attack basically modified the file path and turned normal usable software into malwares. It was at first discovered by the Google blog and then as a result they put forward an ultimatum that this originated in china and if it is not taken care of Google would close its franchise in China. There were further algorithms that were released from time to time just to exploit the loopholes that existed in various very commonly used software and this was done by random programmers. Encryption helps prevent such attacks (Stallings, 2011). With the advent of

Explaining religious terrorism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Explaining religious terrorism - Research Paper Example The number of terrorist organizations and individuals involved and those willing to be involved in it have been on the rise. Various studies and observations have shown that terrorism is highly linked to religion. This explains why religious terrorism is considered to be the leading aspect of terrorism (Burke 40). Particularly, Islam has been associated with terrorism to a greater extent compared to other religions. This can be attributed to the argument that many of terrorism groups are comprised of people who subscribe to the Islamic religion, as well as led by leaders who subscribe to Islamic doctrine. There is a perception which was inspired by terrorist leaders such as Osama bin Laden that the entire Muslim world is international terrorism victim (Combs 65). In the modern world, terrorism in the name of religion has become the political violence’s predominant model (Perry and Howard 18). While this is the case, it should be noted that there are other models for political violence including ideology and nationalism which remain as potent catalysts for political violence and extremist behaviors. Nonetheless, religious extremism is predominantly the main issue for the global community in respect to terrorism and political violence (Martin 130). It has increased in frequency, global reach, and scale of violence in the modern era. This situation is simultaneous with the decline in secular terrorism. The vigorous and new infusion of religious extremism and sectarian ideologies has challenged the old ideologies of anti-colonial liberation, secular nationalism, and class conflict that were the basis for political violence. Extremist support in the grassroots level for religious support has been the most widespread particularly among popu lations living in repressive societies that do not allow expression of dissent or demand for reforms (Stern 94). Religious terrorism can be defined as a form of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Philosophy - Essay Example The above explanation is the reason why it is possible for a person to know for certain that what he is doing is morally correct. This is true if we view morality through the criteria required by reason and not from the point of view of religion or culture. Reason and conscience are universal concepts and they allow people to clearly understand and feel that there are some acts that are inherently good regardless of the perspective one is coming from. For instance, harming another person or killing him without any valid or justifiable reason is immoral. No one can dispute that, the case is as clear to any human being capable of thinking. It does not take a complicated analysis to know whether one has committed goodness or a moral act. If one helped a person in need, who in his right mind would suggest the possibility that it could be immoral? This is especially true as the person helping knows his motivations and intents. Morality maybe a concept and some may argue that it could be d ifficult to quantify or exactly prove. However, it is real as much as happiness is or love, anger and grief. One cannot hold them and say, there is nothing here so it may be it is true to you but not for me or I cannot see it, therefore, it might not exist. These concepts, though intangible, exist as truths in themselves and nobody can dispute them.

Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Business plan - Essay Example The main purpose and scope of this business plan is to provide general information about the said industry and to highlight the critical areas for successful launching of a new ticket selling point at Brent Street London. The data discussed in this study is based on some certain assumptions and has been collected through number of sources. A careful attempt has been made to present real time data in the study, however, this information may change at any time due to occurrence of any changes in associated factors, and thus the actual outcomes may differ from the projected results. 1. BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Doramex Ltd. is a famous travel agency located at 136 Brent Street, London. The small company has a vast experience of 64 years as working in the business since 1947. The average annual income of the company is around $54, 80,738. Doramex deals with customers belong to entire Europe, North American countries, and China from Asia (Company Profile Page). The company has decided to expan d its area of operations and for this it intends to set up an outlet ‘Express Ticketline’ in London. The new outlet will mainly deal with the selling of airline tickets to the customers at prices lower than the market rate. Although, Express Ticketline will expand its sphere of operations as well as target markets in future, however, initially it will operate as a ticket selling point for local population and the passengers of airline companies like British Airways, Virgin Atlantic Airways, EasyJet, and Atlantic Airlines etc. 1.1 Mission Statement To entertain our customers in terms of their budget, desire, and skill level. To ensure the sustaining of our customers through attractive packages and arrangements 1.2 Vision To go outshine in the field of selling cheap ticket by setting up strategic agreements with airlines, travel agencies, ground transport companies, and entertainment industry. 1.3 Objectives Express Ticketline is intended to meet the following objectives by the end of first financial year. Revenue (through selling of tickets) of $725,000. 25% of tickets will be sold online Maintain a margin of 08% on all airline tickets. 2. INDUSTRY AND MARKET ANALYSIS 2.1 External Factors on Travel Agencies The competitive marketing environment continuously changes, therefore a well thought-out, composed, detailed and consistent analysis is necessary for best evaluation. PEST analysis is considered as the best way to describe those external factors which cannot be directly catered by an organization. Despite of the fact that PEST analysis is used on the basis of previous data, interestingly it can be used as a forecast model (Wilson and Gilligan, 1998).   2.2 Political Factors Express Ticketline is a travel agency which is directly related to airline industry. Any internal or external change in the airline industry will directly affect our agency. The distressing incidents at the start of 21st century have turned out as the most difficult times f or the travel agencies. These incidents included the terrorist attacks in New York on September 11,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Philosophy - Essay Example The above explanation is the reason why it is possible for a person to know for certain that what he is doing is morally correct. This is true if we view morality through the criteria required by reason and not from the point of view of religion or culture. Reason and conscience are universal concepts and they allow people to clearly understand and feel that there are some acts that are inherently good regardless of the perspective one is coming from. For instance, harming another person or killing him without any valid or justifiable reason is immoral. No one can dispute that, the case is as clear to any human being capable of thinking. It does not take a complicated analysis to know whether one has committed goodness or a moral act. If one helped a person in need, who in his right mind would suggest the possibility that it could be immoral? This is especially true as the person helping knows his motivations and intents. Morality maybe a concept and some may argue that it could be d ifficult to quantify or exactly prove. However, it is real as much as happiness is or love, anger and grief. One cannot hold them and say, there is nothing here so it may be it is true to you but not for me or I cannot see it, therefore, it might not exist. These concepts, though intangible, exist as truths in themselves and nobody can dispute them.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The PODSCORB Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The PODSCORB - Assignment Example PODSCORB The emerging style of business is therefore concentrating significantly on the efficient & systematic functioning of their organizations. For this purpose, most of the organizations follow the famous principles of management which was first established by Henry Fayol & F.W. Taylor & later on those were modified by Gullick and Lyndall (Opara & Nosike, 2012). These principles are known as The PODSCORB which includes planning, organizing, directing or staffing, coordinating, reporting or budgeting. Here we will discuss about the implementation of these principles in a real organization. Planning This article is based on the functioning of an organization were I worked previously. My previous employer was an FMCG firm which specialized in preparing herbal products. I was appointed as the marketing officer & my job was to co-ordinate between the sales team & marketing team. As strategic planning is considered to be a new aspect in the field of marketing therefore the organization trusted on the abilities of the young graduates & constantly encouraged them to take initiative for taking up responsibilities. The leading or directing function were carried out by the sales & marketing managers. The conventional ways of leadership describes it as an activity of supervising & controlling the followers. However modern day management considers a leader as a mentor who guides the trainees & rectifies the mistakes made by them. It is a deliberate influence exerted by an individual over his subordinates to assist them in activities within an organization. (Karp & Thomas, 2009). The managers used to take feedback everyday from those who used to visit the market & then me & my team was instructed to prepare a plan for their next day’s activity. Any kind of grievance among the team members was skillfully managed by those leaders & there used to be a participative style of management where each one shared their opinion, suggestion, complaints with the managers. The managers used to direct the team as well as support & guide them by teaching them various sales tactics. Handling

Monday, October 14, 2019

Strategic plan Essay Example for Free

Strategic plan Essay The objective of this weeks assignment are to create a SWOT analysis for the Combat Sports Association to determine the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization and the external opportunities and threats to organization. The assignment will also identify the legal and regulatory trends that need to be taken into consideration and how the CSA will adapt to changes in the industry. Major issues will be identified and classified to determine the importance of each issue in the analysis. SWOT ANALYSIS: Strength: Weakness Strategy- Provide quality service by staying true to the CSA vision, mission, and core values Structure- The structure for CSA is simplistic that it can be managed by the owner and an Administrative Executive and service rendered by contractors Resources- limited resources are needed for start up (capitol, facilities, computers, personnel Leadership- CSA leadership has a proven track record within the combat sports community Technology- CSA has very little knowledge of current technology application such as web design. Intellectual Property- All applicable regulatory requirements for SCA need to be written. Economic: Combat sports are currently the fastest growing sports in the U. S Technology: The growth in technology allows faster communication via social media, smart phones to allow for real time communication Innovation: By staying up to date on the changes/issues in the sports CSA will can stay of the leading edge of training officials and provide customers will the best service available Competitive Analysis: There is tremendous growth in the sports. There are more promoters than established sanctioning bodies. Resulting in a stronger market share for a reputable sanctioning body Legal/regulatory: Combat Sports legal/regulatory requirements vary from state to State Social: Changes in social values of promoters (ethics/morals) and competitors ( banned substances) require constant supervision Environmental: Exposure to blood borne pathogens by officials, competitors, and fans must be mitigated by ensuring testing and proper disposal of bio hazard materials Opportunity: Threat: The Combat Sports Association SWOT analysis provides key areas of focus for development of a strategic plan for operating a new sanctioning body for combat sports in Nevada. The external factors that will be looked at are legal and regulatory requirements in the combat sports industry and how CSA will apply these requirements to ensure customer compliance. CSA will look at the economical perspective in regards to the growth of combat sports in Nevada and the competitive analysis SCA will use to be a low-cost provider in a competitive market. These issues are classified as the external issues of CSA . The internal factor that will indentify the strengths and weaknesses of CSA will be Leadership, structure, resources, and intellectual property. The leadership provided to CSA customers and sub-contractors is a differentiating value chain activity that sets CSA apart from competitors. CSA is structured as a flat organization to provide a simplistic communication with customers and contractor and eliminate costs to maximize profit. Few physical resources and overhead are needed to develop CSA in the combat sports industry. The most significant hurdle to overcome fro CSA is the development of intellectual property that will set CSA apart from the competition. These issues are classified as the internal issues of CSA. The two largest hurdles for CSA are the legal and regulatory factors (external) and the intellectual property (internal). Legal and regulatory factors were identified as a threat based on governmental laws of the state of Nevada. The Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) is the office of primary responsibility (OPR) that sets the regulatory guidance of combat sports in Nevada. This is accomplished through N. R. S 467 and N. A. C. 467 making compliance mandatory for all sanctioning bodies within Nevadas jurisdiction. CSA must comply with these standards and stay attuned to any changes, adapt to any changes of the law. One example is the policy changes for Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) for combat sports athletes. The intellectual property for the SCA must be written to comply with the regulatory requirements of the NSAC. SCA classified intellectual property as an internal issue and weakness. CSA intellectual property is the policies and procedures that the organization will operate from and the standards operating procedures that its customers/promoters/athletes will abide by. The intellectual property has for CSA has yet to be written. Until the CSAs regulatory guidance is written CSA will be unable to operate within the state of Nevada. The economic factor was classified as an external issue and indentified as strength for CSA. Combat Sports in the U. S. , particularly Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is the fastest growing sport. With the interest in the sports growing more gyms that cater to the mixed martial artist are opening. Those athletes that wish to compete seek out organizations they wish to compete for. This results in more events being put on by promoters. There is more business minded people investing in becoming promoters. As this growth continues it means more opportunity and work for sanctioning bodies. The CSA can take advantage of this growth in the MMA by conducting a competitive analysis to determine its place in the market. The competitive analysis was classified as strength for CSA because it beat the competition in all but one category. This gives CSA a strong competitive position in the sanctioning body market. Competitive Analysis CSA Rival 1 Rival 2 Quality performance 10 8 7 Reputation/Image 10 7 6 Service Capabilities 10 8 7 Competence Capabilities 9 9 7 Financial Resources 8 9 8 Geographical Infrastructure 9 8 8 Un-weighted Strength Assessment 56 49 43 The leadership of CSA is classified as an internal factor and identified as strength. One of the key factors is the experience the leadership has in the combat sports industry and over 21 years of providing quality control for regulatory standards. CSAs leadership has a proven track record within the industry for adherence to regulatory compliance and leading promoters to compliance rather than forcing them. The leadership is recognized as a subject matter expert within the state for matters concerning combat sports and is often recommended by NSAC to consult with new promoters prior to state licensing. The CSA leadership is a resident of the state of Nevada; where-as rival companies are out of state residents. This allows CSA leadership to frequently meet with NSAC on key issues and provide on-site supervision for customers/promoters event. All the experience and expertise has allowed the CSA leadership to develop a vision, mission, and core values that will allow SCA to achieve unprecedented success in a growing industry. The Structure of SCA flat this allows for direct communication to all functional areas of the CSA. This also is effective in cutting costs. By maintaining a flat structure CSA management speaks directly with customers and subcontractors on all matter to facilitate continuous improve to relationships and processes. For example; if a customers CFO needs a specific information on CSA officials travel itinerary they can call CSA management or the officials directly or if the customers administrative executive needs statistical data from previous event they can call CSA management directly. One of the benefits of a flat structure is that CSA provides customers with a hands-on approach to dealing with the customers needs. This creates a friendly and trusting environment. Another benefit to a flat structure is that it alleviates the high costs of multiple management and employees costs. With a flat structure that outsources key positions to subcontractors CSA can focus directly on maximizing profits. Customers/promoter will pay the subcontractors directly and only pay CSA the event representative fee and the standard sanctioning fee for services rendered. The resources factors was classified as an internal strength because there are very little resources and overhead needed to start up a sanctioning body. Essentially the initial resources needed are a computer, home office, and standard office supply. Very little capitol is needed to start this business. Some additional costs will be a business license, incorporation fees, legal fees to ensure contracts with customers are properly written to reduce CSA liabilities. CSA has established relationships with the best subcontractor/officials (Referees, judges, timekeepers, scorekeepers, inspectors, and physicians) in the combat sports industry. These relationships will help CSA move forward to become the premiere sanctioning body in Nevada. By using qualified and training officials CSA will create a culture of safe and fair competition for its customers that will attract the best competitors. This will result in a larger fan base for the promoters thus generating higher ticket sales and increased revenue. The comprehensive SWOT analysis conducted by CSA has achieved compound result that provides CSA with multiple areas of focus. It identified the internal strength and weaknesses of the organization. The opportunity and threat identified external factor that need to be focused on. The competitive analysis provided a current snapshot of how CSA currently ranks within the industry. The SWOT analysis also shows CSA where it can make improvements. The overall assessment for CSA is that it can gain a considerable market share of the combat sports industry within Nevada considering the growth of combat sports.